
National Spotlight

Financial Resources —Did you know that there are many financial resources that can help people living with breast cancer? Find out more

Voices of Impact™ — Join us here as we continue to share stories that celebrate the women and men who inspire us all.


Become a Sponsor 

Local sponsorship is critical to our being able to support local breast cancer programs and national research grants. Sponsor gifts help underwrite Race expenses and, along with entry fees and donations from Race participants, go directly toward funding breast cancer services and research. When you invest in a Susan G. Komen XYZ Race for the Cure® sponsorship, you invest in the lives of the people closest to you... the people of your community... your family, colleagues, neighbors and friends.  Up to 75 percent of net funds raised stay in XYZ to support education, screening and treatment initiatives and a minimum of 25 percent is contributed to the Komen national research efforts.

Sponsorship opportunities for the 2012 Race are available now. Click here for the 2012 Sponsorship Brochure. For further sponsorship information, please contact XXXX at xxx-xxx-xxxx or

Thanks to all of our 2011 sponsors and donors - your generosity will help us achieve record success in moving closer to our goal: ending breast cancer forever!

If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor of the 2012 Komen XYZ Race for the Cure, please download and review the following files. You will need to complete and submit the 2012 Sponsor Contract File and talk with one of our Sponsorship Committee Members.  Sponsors will be accepted through Race day!

Click here to complete and submit the sponsor form online.
Click here to download a PDF to complete and submit to the Komen XYZ Affiliate. 

Mail the completed form to:
Susan G. Komen XZY Race for the Cure®
1234 Some Street
Anytown, USA  92123